About Carolyn
Carolyn maintains a private practice, in Cincinnati (Blue Ash), Ohio, as a clinical social worker providing Integrative Psychotherapy and complementary services. She serves women and men, ranging from adolescence to elderhood. She works with individuals, couples, families and groups. Carolyn has nearly 30 years of professional experience integrating the client’s innate wisdom with psychotherapeutic practice and theory. She embraces the healing capacity of spiritual practices while employing the grounding and safety of professional ethics. Carolyn will not promise or advertise “quick fixes” or a pain free life. What she offers is an opportunity to move more fully into authentic, rich and full life allowing the movement of the soul and the greater systems to be “as they are”.
Throughout her 30 years of professional experience, she has worked with all ages in a variety of settings; including mental health facilities, schools, court systems, churches, and other spiritual communities. She addresses bio/psycho/social functioning by utilizing a variety of treatment modalities and theory, including psychodynamic, eco- psychology, feminist psychology , and humanistic work as well as, solution focused, reality based, and cognitive short term techniques. She includes sensory motor interventions, body movement, dream work, guided imagery, relaxation techniques, journaling, ritual development, education, and work with stories and myth in her approaches. It is the “here and now” life experience that is attended. She is well known for assisting clients with incorporating their spiritual experiences into a grounded life and exploring the messages held within the dis-ease and strength of their physical and emotional bodies. Through her practice, she receives validation every day of the ever present resilience and wisdom of the soul.
Carolyn’s early work in the criminal justice system, child protective services, shelters and services for abused women and rape victims, and treatment centers for addictions has provided her with the full experience of the depths of human suffering and despair. It was also the place where clear manifestation of hope, faith, love and the resiliency of the human spirit was always palpable. The children, and those trying to care for them, were her greatest inspiration and teachers. From a systemic point of view and early social work experience, Carolyn has a unique ability to see the individual as part of the larger system. It is through acknowledging “what is” and finding acceptance that we create the capacity to move into the peace that remains throughout the pain and joy of life. Her natural form of integration is a way of life. It stems from a deep belief that all of us have the innate ability to grow and heal and that our own journey is exactly as it is intended. Each of us hold our own deep soul wisdom.
Masters in Social Work (MSW) – 1987; University of Kentucky.
Bachelor of Science; in Criminal Justice Corrections – 1980; University of Cincinnati
Licensure, Certifications & Training
Licensed Independent Social Worker (LISW) - 1998; State of Ohio
Former Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor- 1990; CCDC Board of Ohio
Mediation Specialist – 1997; Community Mediation Services of Central Ohio.
Training in Systemic Constellation Work - 2003 to present

Carolyn is highly skilled in working with ...
Depression / Anxiety / Chronic Stress
Post-Traumatic Stress
Body Image / Eating Disorders
Grief / Complicated Grief Issues
Catastophic Illness / Death and Dying Issues
Psychotic Episodes
Bi-Polar Experiences / Mood Disorders
Life Skills / Organizational Development / Budgeting
Family / Parenting / Relationship Issues